Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Puppet Walk Cycle


My armature is articulate. I used more dense foam sections to limit how far the spine can bend because of the age and stature of my character. His feet are also purposefully limited to suit the large, heavy boots he wears.

Walk Cycle

0:05 - Experimentation
0:05 - 0:08 - Developing character and thinking about environment
0:09 - 0:11 - Refining previous ideas

In this task, I learnt a great deal about the process of creating wire armatures for stop motion animation and the precision needed to achieve a successful walk cycle with the model. I gave great care in the creation of my model. I decided to sew clothes from fabric and create a clay face mask rather than use Plasticine because I saw the limitations of that medium- it is difficult to model and dries hard, making it difficult to manipulate during the walk cycle.
The fabric is more true to my design as I am after a soft, textured look.
In the walk cycle, I took into account the environment. I wanted to get across the look of struggling against the wind in my final walk.

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