What did I do?
- I made quick sketches of possible colour schemes - relating info to colour or topic changes to colour schemes could be a way to make it even more powerful in the future as a memory aid.
- Started making notes of sources i will use - noting important quotes that I could revisit in my writing to back up my ideas
- Started looking at possible case studies
- Planned my essay by section - notes of what points I need to hit in each part to start forming my essay effectively
What do I need to do?
- One of the sources has a reference to a memory study to do with recalling words in different environments (based on MOL) --> Instead of a large set of data needing to be memorised, instead they used pairs of random words. I think I need to consider using this for my practical as it might be a more controlled way to measure recall in my testing. It also might make the practical a better demonstration of how it could work for different subjects as it will be more basic
- I need to think about how i will measure the success of recall
- Move on to applying all this to the production of the practical
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